Hi. I am Kathleen O'Brien
I am an author a lecturer an elder
You're only old once.

Thank heaven youth and middle age are behind you. Now you can concentrate on yourself. And celebrate, indulge in and be enthralled by the most significant experience you will have as a human being: the process of growing old.
Our culture says the best way to deal with aging is to fight it. Look young, act young, feel young, they tell you, for as long as you can.
But when it comes to crafting a blueprint for successful aging, society seems to be lagging behind modern science and far behind the philosophies of our ancestors. Leading-edge gerontologists are now discovering wisdom revealed centuries ago: that old age may be the most important stage in the human lifecycle. To miss out on it by chasing after your younger self means forgoing some of life’s most meaningful moments.
In Reclaim Your Right to Grow Old, Kathleen O’Brien takes you on her journey into ancient philosophy, ground-breaking science and our culture’s misconceptions about aging. Her advice? Tell people your age, expect young people to respect you, be eccentric, never age gracefully. Kathleen reminds you that empowerment, peace and self-knowledge unfold effortlessly when you age the way nature intended.
Your later years are like no other. You are meant to experience them so you can uncover the reasons we grow old in the first place. Don’t let this remarkable time pass you by. Old age only comes around once.