A New Look. A Sharper Focus. A Happier Life

Grow Old Be Happy has a new look that I hope will be easier for you to navigate, and easier for me to update.

The new GOBH will still have the same philosophy as the old GOBH.  Because, as we know, there is nothing wrong with anything that is “old”.

Now, though, I want to focus on shorter blogs and my WWED (What Would Elders Do?) advice column as we all learn to rethink aging and find joy in our place in the world.

I’ve also written a book.  After 10 years of research on aging, I've decided to share my findings with everyone.  Grow Old Be Happy is about reclaiming our right to grow old, based on ancient wisdom.  It’s hard to be happy aging in a culture that doesn’t want us to age.  Enough of that!  It's time for all of us to become the elders, the advanced humans we were meant to be.

I’ll leave you with this quote from The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche,  “Although we have been made to believe that if we let go we will end up with nothing, life itself reveals again and again the opposite:  that letting go is the path to real freedom.” 

Life has taught us a lot of wonderful lessons.  And we can only really appreciate them after years of experience.  One of the first steps to being happier as we age is to let go of the some of the expectations, the “shoulds” and “musts” that don’t serve us well in our later years.  And now is the perfect time to let go of them because society doesn’t have the hold over us that it did in our youth or middle age.  We really are freer.   And we really can let go-- to grow old and be happy.